Selasa, 20 Maret 2012

Innovative Teaching Learning Process of Mathematic

Almost every part of our lives contain mathematics that children need the right experience to be able to appreciate the fact that mathematics is important for their future. Therefore, a good mathematical model of learning must be established logic of thinking is not just good at math. Because the calculation can be done with tools such as calculators, computers, etc. but in solving the problem need to be logical and analytical thinking.

Mathematics itself is basically teaches logic and reason commonsense thinking.However, the general nature of mathematics is abstract and not real because it consists of symbols. So naturally good mathematical model of learning is actually to see, feel, and perform the hands of students. Or a concept can be taught in a way be seen, held and played, drawn, spoken, and written.
Model of learning mathematics should begin by lifting situations of daily life which then reduces in the form of word problems. Then the students are asked to model the toy model (can be a block, craft sticks, etc.) or model image before finally making a mathematical sentence. This process should be carried out in two directions so that the results would be optimal.

Expected with the implementation of good mathematical learning models such as the above was the concept, students become proficient at solving the problems (a problem solver) in which this goal can be achieved if the principles of applied mathematics learning in two directions so that students can really master the math concepts well. In addition, the student should be proficient in math and able to perform calculations with a true and correct (as it is fast is not the main purpose of this mathematical model of learning).
The curriculum has at least four main elements, namely content, teaching and learning strategies, assessment processes, and evaluation processes. Process to establish and organize the elements were in a logical pattern known as the draft curriculum.Curriculum designers first try to make the order or rationality of the process of designing the curriculum by advocating models use. There are two main types of models, is prescriptive and descriptive models of the model with the following explanation:
Prescriptive models: the model objectives
• What educational purpose to be achieved by the institution?
• The experience of learning what it takes to achieve educational goals that?
• How to effectively structuring the learning experience?
• How do I set the goal of education has been achieved?
• A statement of how to achieve educational goals as objectives Diken al
• Objectives should be written with a sense that there learner behavior that can be measured easily
• Types of objectives: acceptable and unacceptable verbs verbs

Descriptive Model
• the curriculum designer to analyze the situation thoroughly, completely, and systematically, with attention to what the impact terhadp in the curriculum
• The situation analysis includes external and internal factors
• External factors include the hope / change in the community, stakeholders expectations, values ​​and assumptions of the community, subject discipline, system support, and resources
• Internal factors include students, faculty, support staff, structure and ethos of the institution, existing resources, and procedures for solving problems in the existing curriculum

Method of the invention (discovery) is a method that is more emphasis on direct experience. Discovery methods of learning with more priority than the process of learning outcomes. In this method does not mean something that is discovered by learners (students) really new because it was known by another person.
How to teach the method of the invention take the following steps:
a. The existence of the problem to be solved
b. In accordance with the level of cognitive development of learners.
c. Concepts or principles to be discovered by the students through these activities should be clearly presented and written.
d. Should be provided the necessary tools and materials.
e. The composition of classes arranged in such a way so as to facilitate the free flow of thoughts involvement of learners in learning activities.
f. Teachers should provide opportunities to students to collect data.
g. Teachers should provide answers to quickly and precisely with the data and information required of students.

Teaching material
Lesson plan is teacher's detailed description of the course for class before the beginning of the lesson. Lesson plan is guidance for Their teacher to start teaching learning process. Lesson plan commonly consist of standards of competence, basic competencies, indicators, time allocation, learning purposes, learning materials, teaching learning methods, learning activities, assessment, evaluation, etc.
Lesson plan is to manage Their teacher classroom guidance activities, so the teaching learning process can be more effective and efficient. The good lesson plan will determine the quality of teaching learning process, so should the make Their teacher lesson plan as good as possible. If can not make a good teacher lesson plan, They can ask for help to other teachers through lesson study or MGMP (Subject Teacher Council).

Selasa, 06 Maret 2012

The characteristics of traditional learning and innovative learning

Education is an important sector in the progress of Indonesia. Education is an absolute must in the can by the whole people of Indonesia. Education in Indonesia has begun to grow, the government has launched at least 9 years of education. The learning process is one of supporting the success of education, teachers in the compulsory to be able to provide exciting and meaningful learning for students. However, many teachers still use traditional learning. So the teacher should be able to change the way teaching, learning from the traditional to a more effective learning.

Broadly speaking, the problem of learning mathematics can be distinguished by
due to different sources, namely the implementation of the practice of learning mathematics
the traditional and the innovative nature. These characteristics of traditional and innovative learning:
Characteristics of Traditional Learning
1. National nature (centralized)
2. Prioritizes memorization
3. Students are passive (listening)
4. orientation to the text book
5. Assess students based on the work
6. Abstract lesson (lecture)
7. Lessons with classical
8. The same material for all students
9. Teaching is the transmission / transfer of knowledge
10. Encourage competition
11. result oriented
12. Motivation to learn is external
13. Single teaching method
14. Props difficult to develop
15. Teach with haste

Characteristic of the Progressive Learning (Innovative)
1. Adopt the regional characteristics (autonomy)
2. Be patient and wait until the students can understand math concepts
3. Creativity of teachers and rewarding environment to develop learning tools
4. Flexible teaching methods
5. Motivation to learn is internal
6. Education as an investment
7. Educating for solving problems of life
8. orientation to life
9. Develop teaching aids
10. Group / individual
11. Active student
12. The material according to individual needs
13. students discover and construct knowledge structures
14. Encourage cooperation
15. Using a variety of ways to assess student

highly innovative learning needs to be used in teaching and learning. Teachers are required to be able to develop the creativity and potential of every student. That students are able to absorb all the teacher's subject matter. With so much advanced education in Indonesia.
