Senin, 19 Desember 2011


How to motivate students in learning mathematics?
Motivation is the key to success for each student and determine the success of effective
learning. As a teacher, classroom and individualized approaches need to be mastered in order to develop students' motivation. On the other hand, the motivation of students also are unique, because different students and different schools could face the same problems but with different profiles. in learning mathematics many students experience frustration, for example, students do not understand about the concepts in mathematics, confused way of doing math problems. in this issue of teachers should be a motivator by giving encouragement to all students to behave and act positively. Teachers should be able to change their students, for example, who had not had the spirit of learning, a passion for learning, lazy become industrious, lack of discipline to be disciplined, and so on. A teacher must be proactive to motivate, not only in the classroom, but also outside the classroom. In addition, a teacher must be radiated away as a positive person. Teachers also must be role models for their students. Basically, all students are in desperate need of motivation from the teacher. Students need motivation to make them become betterstudents. Conversely, teachers who only focus on the subject matter, has a tendency to make the students bored or saturated.

How to make math fun lesson?
Mathematics is a subject that is most feared by most students. This makes the lesson of this one is hated by many students. as teachers, we must change the paradigm that mathematics is difficult, it's easy to become a mathematician, so students have a high spirit of learning. one solution is the method of the game, so students do not get bored in math class to follow. teachers can modify the learning in the classroom by creating a math gameinvolving students as subjects, and then invite students to infer meaning from the learning of mathematics by the method of the game. Another solution is the teacher in teaching the material to the students use props. example in one variable linear equations learningteachers can use the scales, plastic bags, marbles as props. so that students get concretethings first and then apply the things that are abstract. so students do not get bored learningin the classroom.

How to apply the teaching methods in mathematics learning?
in my opinion, in learning mathematics teachers should be taught with flexibility. teachers must apply the variation method of learning, so students do not get bored in following the learning of mathematics. learning methods should match the characteristics of students so that students can learn mathematics with a comfortable and enjoyable. and teachers should be able to combine the methods. some examples of methods that can be applied in learning mathematics is the expository method, the method of the invention, methods of lectures and others.

How to develop students' worksheets?
Student Worksheet is one of the learning resources that can be developed by the teacher
as a facilitator in the learning activities. students who prepared the worksheet can be designed and developed in accordance with the conditions and situation of learning activities that will be encountered. student worksheet is also a medium of learning, because it can be used in conjunction with the source of learning or other learning media. Student worksheet becomes a source of learning and instructional media depends on the learning activities are designed. To create student worksheets teachers must first determine the topic, the teacher determines the necessary tools or materials. After that, the teacher writing a guide or enhance the activity. The teacher gives examples of how to fill out the student worksheet. From the student worksheet, students are expected to understand the concept of the topics being studied.

How to give a good punishment for students?
teacher as a coach should be able to guide students to achieve success in learning, a form of guidance that teachers do to students is to give punishment. teachers should givepunishment to be an educated students. for example if there are students who are late to class, as teachers do not directly scold students, teachers should ask students why to be late, and sentenced him to erase the blackboard, or giving any questions about previous material, so students do not feel afraid to follow classroom .

Minggu, 09 Oktober 2011

Stimulating Primary Mathematics Group-Discussion

By:  Shisumi Shimizu and Marsigit
Reviewed: Ryan Nur Hidayat

Perkembangan kognitif siswa dapat diamati melalui interaksi siswa dengan benda-benda atau orang-orang di sekitarnya. Interaksi itu dapat berupa melihat, memegang, mendengar, berbicara bahkan dapat menghafalkan, mengkategorikan, dan menyusun rencana kegiatan. Perkembangan kognitif ini juga dipengaruhi oleh interaksi mereka dengan orang-orang dewasa, sehingga orang-orang dewasa dapat berpartisipasi dengan kegiatan mereka atau mendukungnya.
Proses belajar mengajar terdiri dari 3 konteks, yaitu sekolah, tujuan guru, dan kelas. Sedangkan diskusi kelompok didasarkan pada prinsip perkembangan melalui bermain yang mendorong anak untuk mengeksplorasi, bereksperimen, bertanya, dan berbicara. Sedangkan tugas guru adalah memfasilitasi siswa. Dan diskusi kelompok kecil, dapat dianggap sebagai seperangkat kegiatan budaya yang dilakukan oleh guru untuk mendorong siswa untuk mengkomunikasikan konsep mereka kepada orang lain.
Dalam penelitian, digunakan sistem tiga siklus penelitian tindakan kelas (CAR) sehingga pada setiap siklus pengajaran, peneliti menyusun topik sesi, kemudian mendokumentasikan fokus pergeseran interaksi. Penelitian tersebut mencakup tindakan berikut (Zuber dan Skerrit, 1992): (1) mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis masalah yang timbul dalam proses belajar mengajar Matematika, (2) merancang strategi untuk memecahkan masalah sebagai hasil simetris komunikasi antara peneliti dan guru, (3) menerapkan dan menguji
strategi, (4) mengevaluasi efektivitas strategi, (5) mencerminkan hasil, (6) kesimpulan dan/atau masalah baru diidentifikasi, (7) mengulangi siklus sampai praktek ditingkatkan, dan (8) melaporkan temuan.
Pada siklus pertama, guru mengarahkan siswa untuk memiliki beberapa kompetensi untuk mengkarakterisasi beberapa pola perolehan angka dengan menjumlahkan dua digit angka yang reversibel. Dalam siklus 2, guru mengarahkan siswa untuk memiliki beberapa kompetensi untuk mengkarakterisasi beberapa pola perolehan angka dengan melakukan pengurangan dari dua digit angka yang reversibel.
Dalam penelitian, pengertian analisis teoritis dimulai dari kegiatan teori, konstruktif dan konsep partisipasi terbimbing. Dan kerangka teoritis menunjukkan bahwa guru menekankan tujuannya dan mengarahkan siswa ke arah itu. Dalam pengaturan diskusi kelompok, pengembangan kegiatan terlihat baik secara implisit dan eksplisit, juga ada indikasi bahwa ada kesempatan bagi siswa untuk mengembangkan pemahaman mereka.

Helping Teacher to Develop Model for Secondary Mathematics Teaching: Action Research of Indonesian Secondary Mathematics Teaching

By Marsigit, Y. Sato, Sugeng Mardiyono, Eko Sulistyowati, Bardi
Reviewed : Ryan Nur Hidayat
Di Indonesia, umumnya proses belajar mengajar di sekolah masih menggunakan metode tradisional, yaitu guru menjelaskan dan memberikan pertanyaan kepada seluruh siswa sehingga mereka hanya mendengar dan menyelesaikan pertanyaan tersebut. Berdasarkan kelemahan praktek proses pembelajaran tradisional di sekolah, banyak usaha yang telah dibuat Indonesia untuk meningkatkan pendekatan kelas dengan membuat peserta didik lebih aktif. Selain itu, pemerintah Indonesia masih berusaha untuk meningkatkan kualitas semua tingkat pengajaran dengan peningkatan kualitas guru, penyediaan fasilitas belajar dan peralatan, perbaikan kurikulum untuk pendidikan dasar, serta pengembangan dan
pemanfaatan teknologi komunikasi untuk pendidikan. Sehingga tantangan bagi para pendidik adalah untuk meningkatkan belajar siswa agar lebih tinggi kecakapannya dalam Matematika. Oleh karena itu, guru harus mengatur pembelajaran yang melibatkan para siswa sehingga mereka aktif membangun pengetahuan dan pemahaman mereka sendiri. Pembelajaran ini dapat berupa diskusi kelompok, baik dalam kelompok besar maupun kecil. Dengan adanya diskusi kelompok, siswa memiliki kesempatan yang lebih banyak untuk berbicara, mengembangkan jawaban mereka dan siswa lebih terlibat sehingga mereka cenderung kurang memiliki masalah dengan konsentrasi. Selain itu, guru juga bebas memonitor serta dapat mengatasi gangguan dan perilaku tanpa menghentikan pembelajaran di kelas.
Pembelajaran tradisional dapat dihubungkan dengan eksposisi guru yang rutin di kelas dan pengawasan guru di meja kerja. Adapun alasan mengapa metode eksposisi populer adalah sebagai berikut. Pertama, secara matematis rapi dan lengkap, pelajaran masing-masing berisi presentasi dan penjelasan Matematika yang mengarah ke sebuah kesimpulan. Kedua, meningkatkan harga diri guru karena ia adalah sumber pengetahuan. Ketiga, guru dapat mendapatkan kepuasan dari menyajikan urutan pelajaran dalam silabus. Dan keempat, guru sendiri sering berhasil belajar Matematika dengan cara ini dan mengharapkan murid-muridnya untuk melakukan hal yang sama.
Cara pembelajaran Matematika yang efektif adalah dengan mengerjakannya dan memecahkan masalah. Selanjutnya, masalah Matematika disarankan untuk tidak hannya fokus pada Matematika itu sendiri dan pada proses saat mencari solusi, namun hasil aktual atau jawaban tidak boleh digunakan untuk tujuan apapun.
Apabila siswa ingin menerapkan konsep Matematika, pengetahuan dan keterampilan, maka mereka perlu mengembangkan keterampilan mereka dalam proses kegiatan Matematika: penalaran, mengorganisir, mengklasifikasikan, mengenali pola, dan sebagainya.


By: Marsigit
Reviewed by: Ryan Nur Hidayat

Standard process is national education standards that relating to the implementation of learning in one unit of education to achieve competency standards. In Permendiknas No.41 of 2007 article 1st stated that the standard process for elementary and secondary education unit includes the planning of the learning process, the implementation of the learning process, assessment of learning outcomes, and supervision of the learning process.
Planning the learning process includes the syllabus and the Learning Implementation Plan, which contains the identity of subjects, standards of competence, basic competencies, indicators of achievement of competencies, learning objectives, teaching materials, time allocation, teaching methods, learning activities, assessment of learning outcomes, and learning resources. Syllabus developed by the educational unit based on Content Standards and Standard Competence Graduates, as well as guidelines on Unit Level Curriculum Education.
Every teacher in the educational unit is obliged to compile a complete and systematic lesson plans so that learning takes place in an interactive, inspiring, exciting, challenging, motivating learners to actively participate and provide enough space for innovation, creativity, and independence according to their talents, interests, and physical and psychological development of learners. Teachers design lesson plans for each fragment that are tailored to scheduling a meeting at the education unit. The principles of learning implementation plan are: taking into account the individual differences of learners, encourage active participation of learners, developing a culture of reading and writing, provide feedback and follow-up, linkage and integration, and applying information and communication technology. In the implementation process of learning, there are some requirements such as: the maximum number of students per study group, the minimum workload of teachers, the textbooks that will be used, and the classroom management by the teachers. Implementation of the learning is an implementation of the learning implementation plan. Implementation of learning activities include the introduction, core activities and closing activities.
Assessment conducted by teachers to the learning outcomes to measure achievement level of competence of learners, and is used as preparation material of a progress report learning outcomes, and improve the learning process. Assessment done consistently, systematically, and programmed by using tests and nontests in writing or verbally, observation of performance, attitude measurement, assessment of the work of a task, project and / or products, portofolio, and self-assessment.


By : Marsigit
Reviewed by : Ryan Nur Hidayat

What's 'Lesson Study'? Lesson Study is a scheme of cooperation which is done among teachers in order to increase their competences in teaching. Its purpose is increasing the serving of teachers to students' needs. The main idea of Lesson Study is implementing the cooperation among teachers and between teachers and lecurers. The purpose are observation, assesment, and reflection of teaching and learning activities.

How to do Lesson Study? There are 4 steps to do Lesson Study. First, teachers together must prepare RPP. Second, a teacher do the teaching and learning activities while the others teachers observe it. Third, teachers and lectures discuss the result. Last, repeat the second step.

In order to do innovating education by reconstucting the implementation of teaching and learning activities so Lesson Study take an important role. The relevant paradigm are placing student as a center, doing cunstructivist approach, doing realistics approach, and doing contextual Teaching Learning. Innovation through Lesson Study can be accomplished if the teachers have an open nature and high commitment. More over, infrastructure systems that support needs to be improved and gain support from policy makers. Furthermore, the innovation must be a medium or long - term innovation.

There are 3 steps of Lesson Study, that is plan, do, and see. The first step is plan which is performed for preparing the teacher. The second is do. This means that there is a teacher teaches and the other observe the situation. The last is see. The teacher must be evaluate the activities conducted by senior teachers who have been designed previously.

Senin, 03 Oktober 2011

PERSOALAN PEMBELAJARAN MATEMATIKA DI SEKOLAH “Pengembangan Profesional dan Kompetensi Guru Dalam Meningkatkan Mutu Pendidikan SLTP”

By : Marsigit
Reviewed by : Ryan Nur Hidayat
From the research that have been done, it shows that much of the teacher still use traditional method to teach mathematics. They just use the explanation method and finally they command the student to do their task clasically. Actually this methods have weakness such as the teacher have diffiiculties to improve the student’s ability and to increase the desire to study math cooperatively, etc.
The development of mathematics teaching method have result that teach math should have been done with some kind of teaching methods such as ekspository, discussion, discovery, problem solving and using teaching aid.
The research of action that have been done got the positive effect.
• To improve the ability of lower student, the teacher can use the student worksheet and discussion method in the class. It can make the student more independent, cooperative and do their discovery by their self.
• Using of model tool. It can give new variation of teaching method, so the student won’t get boring during the class. Using of model tool also give the clear comprehension in the student’s mind.
But, there are still obstacles such as the social culture that said “quite is gold” and “empty barrel has loud sound”. It makes the student reluctant to share their own opinion, they affraid if they have a mistakes when explained their opinion, they will be marked as a dumb. The other obstacle is the student not usually do this method, and the biggest one there are no much time and costs to do this new methods
So, there are some recommendation for the teacher, the headmaster, the government and for LPTK (Lembaga Perguruan Tinggi Kependidikan), “plan, manage and evaluate”. Plan to teach math more fun, more meaningfull. Manage how to create the conducive condition, how to develop the contribution of each aspect and always evaluate what have been done to get better result.


By : Marsigit
Reviewed by : Ryan Nur Hidayat
Research is an activity to gain knowledge called science, done by a certain procedure which is systematic and supported by a methodology which an assessment of the rules in his method. As a teacher or prospective teacher of innovative mathematics required to always do the discussion on how we gain knowledge about the learning of mathematics in accordance with current trends.
The scope of mathematics education research can be derived from by researcher  impetus for reform of mathematics education; where innovation in education to realize that mathematics can be sourced to the conceptual factors, values​​, pragmatic, empirical and political.
If we want teachers of mathematics education reform the mathematics education research will become a necessity. Apart from the formal legal aspects of the mathematics education research activities either by teachers, lecturers as well as by prospective teachers will give many benefits. With the study of mathematics education we can know of any individual or group differences in study the mathematics, we can determine the position of students in the group, able to compare learning outcomes between groups.
Then we can conduct studies on program implementation, environmental impact study, the influence of the program, curriculum or syllabus to the learning outcomes, and ultimately used for the improvement of mathematics education program as a whole. Of excessive exposure in advance not to the teachers would be given a suggestion to enter as educational research activities is always attached with mathematics learning activities. More specifically, before learning of mathematics held the teacher should do the following as a preparatory step:
Planning for mathematics learning environment
to determine the source of the necessary teaching, Developing students' social environment, Plan mathematical activities.