Selasa, 17 April 2012

The Research Process

The study is a series of scientific activities in the framework of solving a problem. So research is part of the problem-solving efforts. Function of research is to find explanations and answers to the problems and provide alternatives to the possibilities that can be used for troubleshooting. the research process begins with the needs that drive the implementation of research and ending with reporting research results.
In conducting the study, the steps that must be prepared as follows:
1. Preparation Phase
This preparation stage is the initial information gathering phase to identify, formulate, and determine the purpose of solving the problem by considering the knowledge based on existing literature.
2. Identification of Problems
As an initial step in this research, the problem you want solved / investigated should be clearly identified to avoid confusion that may arise, and determine how the case studies that will be used.
3. Formulation of Research Problem and Objectives
Having identified the problem, then continue with the existing formulation of the problem in detail in order to know the exact subject matter. In addition, any purpose determined also to be achieved by the holding of this study so as to give guidance on this research are more focused discussion of issues and there is no deviation in the implementation.
4. Field Study
These observations were intended to obtain an overview of the research system to be studied and understand the issues that have been formulated before, how the implementation on the ground.
5. Stage Data Collection and Processing
Stage of data collection and processing is performed to obtain research materials in accordance with the purpose of research that has been set.
6. Analysis and Interpretation of Data
From the results of data processing has been done so that it can be interpreted more easily understand the point and do a more detailed analysis.
7. Conclusion
After all the processing, interpretation, and analysis of the data is drawn a conclusion that is the final summary of the results that address the purpose of the research conducted.
One of the early stage is very useful in the research process is to express or define the underlying issues (basic problem). Basic problem is then developed into questions more detail. This step is the creation of a hierarchy of questions general questions until questions are very detailed, namely:
a. Management question, namely questions which shows that the decision must be made by a manager who will be further evaluated, is whether the problem can be used as the basis to do research or not
b. Reserach question, which translates into question the manager on a form of research questions (research problem) is more focused on aspects of the collection of information that may be performed.
c. Investigative question, namely the questions again in more detail so that a researcher can find a satisfactory answer to the question of public research.
d. Measurement question, which is the most detailed questions in the form measurements of factors or variables that are relevant to the research question.
While the guidelines for writing documentation system used in humanities other than CMS, among other guidelines published by the Modern Language Association (MLA). Knowledge of international standards of writing documentation is important, if someone would write to the journal ISSN, ISBN books, international journals.
American Psychological Association (APA) Style is a set of rules when submitting That authors use papers for publications in APA journals. The APA states That They were developed to assist reading comprehension in the social and behavioral sciences, for clarity of communication, and to "move the idea forward with a minimum of distraction and a maximum of precision. The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association contains guidelines for every aspect of writing, especially in the social sciences, from determining authorship to constructing a table to avoiding plagiarism and constructing accurate reference citations.
In preparing the study, a researcher must comply with the conditions in a study. A researcher must prepare scientific publications, making observations, make a proposal, the observer scheme, developing instruments, perform the learning process, and analyze data that has been obtained. And on condition that the research could be included in international journals should conform to MLA and APA.

Selasa, 10 April 2012


Lesson plan (RPP)

Unit Education            : High School
Class                           : X
Semester                     : 1
Subject                        : Mathematics
Number of Meetings   : one meeting
The allocation of time             : 1 x 20 minutes

A. Competency Standards:
1. Solve problems related to the shape of the rank, roots and logarithms
B. Basic Competencies
1.1 Using the power rule, roots, and logarithms
C. Competency Achievement Indicators
1.1.1 Simplifying the form of a number is the rank
1.1.2 Identify the properties of the rank of positive integers
D. The purpose of learning the basic competencies
1. Students are able to simplify the forms of numbers in the rank of positive integers
2. Students may mention the properties of the number of positive spherical rank
E. Teaching Materials
1. Familiar form of positive rank
2. Know the properties of the rank of positive integers
* Teaching materials attached
F. allocation of Time
     1 x 20 minutes
G. Topics
Introduce the properties on the number of positive spherical rank
H. Learning methods
Expository method and Method Questions and Answers

A.  Learning Activities
Teacher Activity
Student Activity
A.    Introduction
4 minutes
The teacher invites students to greet and pray
Students answer the greetings and prayers

The teacher explained that the purpose of this lesson is for students to simplify the form of the rank of positive integers.
Students pay attention to what is conveyed by the teacher.

Teachers check the readiness of students by bringing students preparing stationery and math books on the table
Students are issued a stationery and books on mathematical and put on the table.

Teachers motivate students by providing an explanation of the importance of the properties of numbers rank in other lessons.
For example, in physics, the speed of light is 300,000 km / sec, using the rules of the rank of positive integers can be written 3 x 105 km / sec.
Students pay attention to teachers' notes

B.     Core
12 minutes
teacher wrote examples on the board the sum over, 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 =. . . . (5x3)
and asked how the students answer questions.
Students pay attention and work on the problems given by the teacher in each book.

The teacher writes examples on the board repeated multiplication,
 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 =. . . . (3
and asked how the students answer questions.
Students pay attention and work on the problems given by the teacher in each book.

The teacher gives some problems to work with students on the board,
1. 4 x 4 x 4 =. . . . . (43)
2. 6 x 6 x 6 x 6 x 6 =. . . . (6
3. a x a x a x a =. . . . (
Students work on the problems on the board.

The teacher explained, write the general form, with the rank number of positive integers on the board.
a x a x a x ........ x a = s
          n factor
with a real number and n a positive integer
Students pay attention to what he writes in his book written by the teacher each book

The teacher writes 'the properties of positive spherical rank number' on the board.
Students write down what the book was written by a teacher in each book

Teacher writes 'first nature (ranking number multiplication)' on the blackboard, and explain the trait.
Students pay attention to what he writes in his book written by the teacher each book

The teacher writes two examples of multiplication by the rank number of positive integers on the board.
1. 32 x 3 =. . . . (33)
2. 4
3 x 42 =. . . . (45)
Students write down what was written by teachers in each book.

The teacher invites students to work on the problems together and explain how to solve these problems.
Students pay attention when the teacher is explaining how to solve the problem while writing the answers in book respectively.

The teacher invites students to draw conclusions about the multiplication of two examples that are written on the blackboard and write about the nature of the rank of the first positive integer, ie
m. an = am+n
with a real number and m, n positive integers
Students watched as the teacher explained about the nature of the first rank of positive numbers while writing each the book

teacher writes 'the nature of 2 (division rank number)' on the blackboard, and explain the trait.
Students pay attention to what he writes in his book written by the teacher each book

The teacher writes two examples about the distribution of number of positive integers with rank on the board.
1. 56: 53 =. . . . (53)
2. 6
7: 62 =. . . . (65)
Students write down what the book was written by a teacher in each and one of the students working on the board

The teacher invites the students to work on the problems together and explain how to do about it.
Students pay attention when the teacher is explaining how to solve the problem while writing each answer in book

The teacher invites students to draw conclusions about the multiplication of two examples that are written on the blackboard and write about the nature of the rank of a second positive integer, ie
m: an = am-n
with a real number and m, n positive integers, m
> n.
Students watched as the teacher explained about the nature of the second rank of positive numbers while writing each the book

The teacher gives eight exercises to be done by students.
Students working on these issues.

Teachers sent 4 students to work on the problems on the board
4 students came forward to working in front of other students and try to work on each book.

The teacher invites students to correct answers to 4 students together.
Students together to correct the work of 4 students write the answers while writing on board

C. Cover
4 minutes
The teacher invites students sum up what has been learned today.
Students answer
1. a x a x a x ........ x a = s
          n factor

with a real number and n a positive integer
2. am. an = am+n
with a real number and m, n positive integers
am: an = am-n
with a real number and m, n positive integers,
 m> n.

Teachers give homework from math textbook page 5 (Test of Competence 1.1)
Students pay attention to the task of the teacher.

The teacher invites students to enter math stationery and books in their bags
Students entering mathematics stationery and books in their bags

The teacher invites students to pray and greet.
Students pray and answer greetings from teachers.

J. Learning Outcomes Assessment
1. Procedure: Written.
2. Instrument:
1. Simplify the following form by using the properties of numbers ranking!
a. 32 . 33 = . . . .
b. 103 . 102 = . . . .
c. 83 : 82 = . . . .
d. 47 : 42 = . . . .
e. 52 : 51 = . . . .
    2. Simplify the following form using the properties of numbers ranking!
a. p3 . pq = . . . .
b. s3t2 . s2t = . . . .
         Completion of the above questions:
   1. a. 35
         b. 105
         c. 8
       d. 45
         e. 5
   2. a. p4q
       b. s5t3
K. Learning Resources
Books for High School Mathematics Class X
Authorship: John
Publisher: Yudhistira

L. Media / Facilities
1. board
2. Markers / Chalk

      Supervisor                                                                              Supervisor


                                             Ryan Nur Hidayat

Teaching Materials
       In addition there is the summation over the writing process can be simplified as follows.
                                           3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 = 5 x 3
       Similarly, repeated multiplication.
                                           3 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 = 35
       35 is called the rank number, called a prime number 3, and 5 is called the rank.
       35 reads: three ranks of five.

       If a real number and n a positive integer then:
    total of n factors
n read a rank n with a known prime number and n is called the rank.
       42 called the number of positive spherical rank because the rank is positive. 4 is called   the main number and 2 is called the rank.

Thus, m x  n = m + n

Properties of 2 (Quotient ranking)
If a number is divided ranks of the other ranking numbers that have the same cardinal number, then the rank deductible.
Problem Exercise:
1. Define the following multiplication!
   a. 73 . 72 . 72 = . . . .
   b. 114 . 11 = . . . .
   c. 43 . 42 . 44  = . . . .
   d. s5 . s2 . s . s3 = . . . .
2. Define the following divisions!
   a. 92 : 9 = . . . .
   b. 88 : 8 : 83= . . . .
   c. p3 : p = . . . .
   d. t6 : t2 : t = . . . .

Problem solving exercises:
1. a. 77
    b. 115
    c. 49
     d. s11
2. a. 9
    b. 84
    c. p2
    d. t3